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Franco Cavaleri's Books

BIOLOGIC PUBLISHING INC. reports on the latest nutraceutical and pharmacological therapeutic, preventive, and sports nutrition products, concepts, and lifestyles. This human- and animal-related information is conveyed through books, nutritional guides, newsletters, magazine articles, talk shows, and other media avenues. By maintaining publishing control over the Biologic message, the essence of the Biologic mission will not be compromised by the influence of profit-driven publishing giants.


Biologic Publishing Inc. upholds the Biologic pledge of integrity and ethical business practices to deliver reliable scientific information to consumers worldwide.

As of 2021 we have expanded our publications to E-books - available online for your convenience.  From pet health to human health with a focus on the nutraceutical technologies that we create, you will gain deeper insights into the effect nutrition has on your body and mind and how to enhance your potential with beneficial nutraceuticals.


All book sale proceeds are used to fund ongoing research.

Potential Within


Your Dog's Health


Healthier Measures


A Radical Generation


State of Mind Matters


Eat to Conquer


The Glycemic Factor


Eat to Win


Clearing the Path to Potent Longevity


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